This is an unprecedented time for all of us and with dental environments being high risk of spreading infection we are currently putting in place strict protocols following local and national regulatory bodies to deal with this most appropriately and safely. We always follow best practice in infection control.
We’d like to reassure you that the health and safety of our staff and patients are of paramount importance to us.
We’d like to reassure you that the health and safety of our staff and patients are of paramount importance to us.
At this stage, we are very restricted in the kind of treatments and appointments we can provide hence, as I am sure you would agree, treating genuine emergencies will be prioritised.
Please check if any of these concerns are relevant for you:
Please let us know by calling 0203 659 7249 or emailing [email protected]. Our clinical team will contact you back for further details. Those who have registered their concerns already would be contacted during the next few days.
All patients who could not have all treatment done because of the lockdown will be contacted by our reception team and offered the earliest available appointments slots.
All patients who are currently wearing any appliances or awaiting the start of the treatment will be contacted by our Treatment Coordinator. She will assist you with the rescheduling of all delayed appointments.
All appointments will be booked as soon as safety measures and new protocols are in place.
Please check if any of these concerns are relevant for you:
Please let us know by calling 0203 659 7249 or emailing [email protected]. Our clinical team will contact you back for further details. Those who have registered their concerns already would be contacted during the next few days.
All patients who could not have all treatment done because of the lockdown will be contacted by our reception team and offered the earliest available appointments slots.
All patients who are currently wearing any appliances or awaiting the start of the treatment will be contacted by our Treatment Coordinator. She will assist you with the rescheduling of all delayed appointments.
All appointments will be booked as soon as safety measures and new protocols are in place.
As social distancing is still very much applicable, we would like to take this opportunity to brief you on some of the changes that might affect your appointments:
We hope to return to normal working conditions at the earliest and will keep you updated along the way.
Thank you for being our patient, we appreciate your loyalty and understanding!
- We request that you attend alone.
- Do not bring additional family members/siblings unless necessary.
- If certain aerosol-generating procedures (AGPS) ie, using the drill (for procedures such as fillings, pulp treatments), machine cleaning, and laughing gas sedation are to be avoided, the dentist will discuss alternative treatment plans with you.
- Limitations on the number of appointments available to allow social distancing between patients.
- Longer appointments will be offered to complete as many treatments as possible during one visit.
- Patients with any health underlying conditions will be offered special appointment slots, like early morning or late afternoon to eliminate the risks of contamination.
- Routine screening will be carried out including forms to be filled in online before you attend, you will be re-questioned on arrival, and your temperature may be taken.
- You may see that our waiting rooms will no longer offer magazines, and so forth since those items are difficult to clean and disinfect.
- We will do our best to allow greater time between patients to reduce waiting times for you, as well as to reduce the number of patients in the reception area at any one time.
- It would be beneficial to prepare yourself in advance that the dental team may not look "normal" as they will have PPE on.
We hope to return to normal working conditions at the earliest and will keep you updated along the way.
Thank you for being our patient, we appreciate your loyalty and understanding!